ironic uncanniness

Tying together a string of circumstances and assigning it to a teleological act of providence is perhaps bravado for any finite being to claim. Interesting to contemplate nonetheless.  The string: an encouragement, a comment, and an ongoing course of interest that uncovered some new shit (as the dude would say) has manifested this here.

Here’s the comment from the Lman:

Most of the time I think I’ve lost it. Other times I think I’m main-lining the hidden secrets of universe.

An interesting Socratic statement by the Lman whatever it’s source.  The course of interest uncovered what follows and the ironic uncanniness of it’s correspondence to Lman’s comment.


Reading the following article is taking the Red pill!  There is no going back. If you are comfortable in the Matrix then do not read what follows.  Or, as Lman put it, be prepared to main-line the hidden secrets of the universe.

If you do journey through the rabbit hole please comment on your experience. (Yes, I stole the man’s term for my blog name)